There are a number of organizations that allow for online open access to research in finance topics and issues. Some of these organizations make much of their finance research available through open access, while others require payment or access through your school library, such as through an OpenAthens sign-in. Some of these organizations have familiar names, like the World Bank, while others may be generally unheard of, like "Ideas" or "Sciedu Press." To illustrate variable kinds of access, World Bank has many finance research articles available through open access, while Wiley Online Library has a combination of accessible articles, OpenAthens sign-in access, and rentable or purchasable articles. Some of the sites are a bit challenging to navigate, like Idea, but others are more "user friendly," like World Bank.
World Bank: World Bank has fairly straightforward sidebar navigation offering "Subtopics," like "Remittances and Migration," and "Publications," indexing World Bank working papers to 2005. Current working papers are featured on their home page, as was this Chinese microfinance working paper.
Idea: Idea has a vast collection of international working papers, articles, books and chapters. The papers and articles are sorted by country (in the USA, by state), while the books and chapters are sorted by publisher. NEP papers (side navigation bar) are sorted solely by date, as was this PDF download of a NEP paper on African regional economics of globalization.
Wiley Online Library: Wiley Online Library carries the Journal of Financial Research. Some journal articles require payment for rent of purchase unless you sign-in through your educational institution via OpenAthens. Other journal articles are open access, as was this 2015 archived article on capital structure dynamics.
Science Direct: Science Direct carries Finance Research Letters and is similar to Wiley in that articles are purchasable unless you have access through your school institutional account, as is shown by this purchasable article on investors' sentiment and premium risk.
The Wharton School: The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) Finance Department makes many finance research papers available online as downloads or online PDF files, like this paper on capital and labor.
Sciedu Press: Sciedu Press makes its archive of issues of accounting and finance research available online. A little tricky to navigate, the "Archive" link in the horizontal navigation cluster leads to archived issues going back to 2012. Selecting an issue volume and number [Vol., No. (year)] leads you to accessible article links, which lead to an article abstract with a PDF link, which leads to a page offering either a PDF download link or a page-embedded Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF file, as for this archived article on Egyptian bank risk-taking.
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