Which of these sentences from The Lady or the Tiger? by Stockton shows a cause and effect relationship?

Of the four sentences presented in the image attached, the cause and effect sentence is the fourth (bottom) sentence shown.  

A hint to readers that the fourth sentence is a cause and effect sentence is the fact that it starts with the word "if."  Sentences that are written in "if, then" format are often cause and effect statements.  That's one reason why I have my sixth grade students write scientific predictions in "if, then"...

Of the four sentences presented in the image attached, the cause and effect sentence is the fourth (bottom) sentence shown.  

A hint to readers that the fourth sentence is a cause and effect sentence is the fact that it starts with the word "if."  Sentences that are written in "if, then" format are often cause and effect statements.  That's one reason why I have my sixth grade students write scientific predictions in "if, then" format.  That format shows a cause and effect relationship between the two halves of the sentence.  

The fourth sentence pictured does the same thing.  There is a direct cause and effect between the first half of the sentence and the second half of the sentence.  If the person chooses a certain door, then he is guaranteed a violent and horrible death from a wild animal.  What was the effect? Death.  What was the cause of that death? Choosing the wrong door. 

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