What are all of the Harry Potter spells and their meanings?

The Harry Potter books are full of spells that are learned and used by the various characters. The spells were all invented by J.K Rowling, though many of their roots are related to Latin and English. Here are five of the most important spells used in the series with their meanings and some context for when they were used:

Alohamora-this spell is used to unlock doors. Hermione was the first to use it in the first book of the series when she, Ron, and Harry were sneaking around Hogwarts.

Wingardium leviosa-this is a levitation spell, to make things float and fly. Professor Flitwick teaches it to the class, which includes Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville, and the other Gryffindors. Their first task is to make a feather levitate. Hermione is the only successful one at first; she says it's because the others are pronouncing it incorrectly.

Expelliarmus-this spell is used to disarm one's opponent and take away their wand. It is a fairly simple spell, but it gains fame because Harry uses it on multiple occasions, most famously to defeat Voldemort.

Lumos-this spell causes the end of one's wand to light up. It is a spell they learn early on and then use throughout the books to light their way in the dark.

Accio-when a witch or wizard says "Accio" followed by the thing they want, that thing comes to them. For example, Harry says "Accio broom" to summon his broom from another location in the fourth book.

By just skimming through the books you could find countless more, but these five are very important.

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