Throughout the novel, Harper Lee uses other characters to criticize Scout's behavior and state their expectations in regards to the way they feel Scout should behave. In Chapter 3, Walter Cunningham Jr. comes over to eat with the Finches and pours syrup all over his meal. Scout is disgusted and makes several rude comments that embarrass Walter. Calpurnia takes Scout into the kitchen and says,
"There's some folks who don't eat like us...but you...
Throughout the novel, Harper Lee uses other characters to criticize Scout's behavior and state their expectations in regards to the way they feel Scout should behave. In Chapter 3, Walter Cunningham Jr. comes over to eat with the Finches and pours syrup all over his meal. Scout is disgusted and makes several rude comments that embarrass Walter. Calpurnia takes Scout into the kitchen and says,
"There's some folks who don't eat like us...but you ain't called on to contradict 'em at the table when they don't. That boy's yo' comp'ny and if he wants to eat up the table cloth you let him, you hear?" (Lee 17).
Calpurnia expects Scout to show her guests respect at all times and not judge them for their unconventional eating habits.
In Chapter 11, Scout and Jem walk past Mrs. Dubose's house on their way to the store. Mrs. Dubose looks at Scout and says,
"What are you doing in those overalls? You should be in a dress and camisole, young lady! You'll grow up waiting on tables if somebody doesn't change your ways---a Finch waiting on tables at the O.K. Cafe---hah!" (Lee 64).
Clearly, Mrs. Dubose does not agree with Scout's decision to wear overalls. Mrs. Dubose, like Aunt Alexandra and other women in Maycomb, believes that Scout should dress and act like a lady.
While Aunt Alexandra criticizes Scout for acting like a "tomboy," Atticus encourages Scout to change her behavior and leads her by example. He teaches Scout the importance of controlling her temper and exercising tolerance. Scout responds well to her father's encouragement and develops into a morally upright individual.
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