Of what religious transgressions does Hale accuse John Proctor?

In Act II, Hale visits the Proctors to satisfy questions he has about the depth of their commitment to their faith.  He tells John that according to the Rev. Parris's records, John has only been to church "twenty-six time in seventeen month," a record with which he finds fault, even when John points out that he has prayed at home.  "Your house is not a church; your theology must tell you that," Hale replies.


In Act II, Hale visits the Proctors to satisfy questions he has about the depth of their commitment to their faith.  He tells John that according to the Rev. Parris's records, John has only been to church "twenty-six time in seventeen month," a record with which he finds fault, even when John points out that he has prayed at home.  "Your house is not a church; your theology must tell you that," Hale replies.

In this same interview, Hale asks why the Proctors have had only two of their three children baptized, and he dismisses John's protest that he sees "no light of God" in Rev. Parris with an admonition: "that is not for you to decide." 

Still unsatisfied, Hale asks John to recite the Ten Commandments.  John is able to recall nine of them.  Hale finds John's small memory lapse unacceptable and tells him "theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small."

Miller, Arthur.  The Crucible. Viking Press, 1953.

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